Network Roles:
Brokers have relationships across many groups and are able to bridge silos to generate new insights, they also act as gateways for new ideas.
Connectors have many relationships within their core group and are well positioned to get ideas adopted locally, they are also highly trusted within their primary team.
Energizers are able to create a reputation that spreads quickly across the network, they tend to get the most out of others, and they are more likely to get ideas noticed.
Challengers provoke change in an organization by tapping into external pressures, they entice debates to encourage idea enhancement and moderate network buzz.
4D Connections:


Discovery – interactions that trigger novel ideas, new insights, and learning that lead to adaptation facilitated by Brokers and Challengers

Development – local interactions within cohesive teams to facilitate idea elaboration and refinement facilitated by Connectors and Energizers

Diffusion – interactions to move concepts across the broader organization to enable scaling, facilitated by Energizers and Brokers

Disruption – interactions to overcome the stiflingly effects of formal structure and enable network closure, facilitated by Challengers and Connectors